Tips for Contacting Legislators


You can contact legislators by email, phone, or both!


Identify yourself.

Provide your name and identify yourself as a constituent. (Be sure you have registered to vote so that you can let them know you are a registered voter!)

Be specific.

Ideally, you should know the name of the bill (i.e., Senate Bill 3, etc.). If you don’t know the official bill number, be sure to mention the general name for the legislation (i.e., the Permit to Purchase bill, etc.).

Tell them your “why.”

Include a short sentence or two about why you personally support or oppose the proposed legislation.

Be courteous.

Establish credibility by addressing each legislator with respect and using professional language.

Know the issue.

Legislators deal with many different laws simultaneously. Offer facts, including background issues and verified statistics. Be sure to cite your sources, too!

Ask for action.

Let them know what you are asking them to do (i.e., vote NO on the proposed bill, not allow the legislation out of committee, etc.).