SB 3 Committee Hearing


May 11, 2021


Living out our mission to be a movement of women across Delaware committed to live with less fear and more freedom!


The Women’s Defense Coalition showed up en masse for the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Senate Substitute 1 to Senate Bill 3. Chairman Sean Lynn announced that there were 367 people on the Zoom. Nearly a hundred were waiting to speak, but only 60 members of the public were granted the opportunity to give public testimony. Of those, more than 55% spoke against the proposed legislation. Many articulated the ways this bill would have a disproportionate impact on lower income families, women, and people of color. Additionally, serious questions were raised as to the constitutionality of the bill. In spite of these concerns, committee members voted 6-4 in favor of the bill. It will now go to the House floor for a vote.

The vote went along party lines with Democrat Representatives Lynn, Griffith, Cooke, Brady, Dorsey Walker, and Mitchell voting in favor of the legislation and Republican Representatives Smyk, Spiegelman, Vanderwende, and Gray voting against putting it to a floor vote. Rep. Bush was conspicuously absent.

For a more detailed account of the hearing, join our Members Only area and check it out here.


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