Rally for Gun Rights

May 8, 2021


Second Amendment advocates from across the state gathered at Legislative Mall in Dover, Delaware on Saturday, May 8 to rally against the proposed Senate Bill 3 and Senate Bill 6. Over 1300 were in attendance, as evidenced by the number of people who signed a petition that was circulated throughout the crowd. The rally was sponsored by the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (DSSA), who is poised to spearhead a legal fight to protect our constitutional rights. Many other advocacy groups, including the Women’s Defense Coalition of Delaware (WDC), co-sponsored the event. WDC President Kim Petters was one of the speakers urging people to be involved by contacting representatives. Petters has been instrumental in leading a grassroots effort to apply pressure on key legislators by heading to their districts and speaking directly with constituents.

Over 1300 people signed a petition urging state legislators to vote against SB 3 and SB 6.

Over 1300 people signed a petition urging state legislators to vote against SB 3 and SB 6.


SB 3 Committee Hearing


Educating the public about Senate Bill 3